OK. She is not thrilling, but she is lovely, and she is old.
Yes, I did show her yesterday, but she is so beautiful,
I just had to share her again.
She is from Universal Statuary Corp. dated 1958.

And this is a box of goodies from last years garage sales!
We are cleaning the garage at the store for inventory.
I'll wait to go through this box, so you can share the fun with me.

Here is a sweet little treasure.
A pair of tiny, old, bronzed baby shoes.
My sweet fella got them at an estate sale.
Does he know me or what?
Of course they are going in the store.

I know that first photo is dark, but I think
if you click on this one you can see the tiny buckles on the side.
Aren't they wonderful?
Here is a little thrifty how to for you.
Need aged paper, but none on hand?
Try this.

Wad a piece of music paper into a tight ball,
then undo till sort of flat.

Use distressing ink, and stencil brush and lightly drag
over the high spots on the paper.
(You can fill in some lower spots too)
See how it makes it darker there?
(click to enlarge)

Now flatten the paper out more.
Cut a piece of cardboard the size you want.
Using glue stick, mod podge, or matte medium,
cover the cardboard on one side.
and lay it on top of the paper,
(Which has been cut a bit larger than the cardboard.)
Be careful to make sure it is on straight.
Cut the corners at an angle,
roll some glue down the edges and turn over to back.
(opt. cut another piece of paper the same size as the cardboard
(I use dictionary pages) to finish the back.
(sorry there are no pics of this step).
Turn it over, and embellish as desired.
Here is one of my finished projects.

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