Starting to look like Spring here.

Love this huge mushroom!
It was about 10" across.
One of my morning walk finds.

And how cool is this??
Love it!!!
Blessings on your day.
Barbara Jean

Many Thanks to our wonderful hostess Susan,
at a
Southern Daydreamer for hosting this event each week.

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Hello !
I'm not speak english !!
It's very beautiful flower !!
I'm love it's a flower !
Coralie in http://laboiteosecret.canalblog.com
Lovely blooms!
Happy Outdoor Wednesday Barb.
"Fun In The Sun"
Guess there's no snow where you are. :) We are already up in the high 80's this week and it's only February. Very beautiful day today. Maybe I should do Outdoor Wednesday. Would be much easier than White Wednesday since I don't have a lot of whites. Wishing you a day of blessings and simple joys. Tammy
I'm jealous of all your beautiful flowers! :-) It's 32 degrees and we have 8" of snow on the ground. We won't have spring for another month and a half.
Sigh. Well, I can dream, can't I?
Spring seems a long way off around here. I'd be happy just to see grass!
Cindy at Lakewood
Spring! I'm freezin' my bootie off here in Fort Worth! Love your blooms tho, & the mushroom! I love to use 'fungi' in my art. I think they are very cool looking. I'm a bit behind on reading every-ones post's since no power for 3 days. I just saw I didn't win your giveaway...whaaaaa! Oh well, maybe next time. Lisa
Oh how I envy you...all snow here and more to come. Your photos were so refreshing to see.
So many treasures left from olden days for us to find. So precious. Carol
WE have a long way to go before we can see any sights like that in our yard! Have a wonderful day, Barb!
I love that you are getting peeks of spring, I haven't found any here. Maybe I am not looking hard enough, I have to get on that. I am linking to outdoor Wednesday for the first time, thanks for inspiring me to do it.
Cha Cha
G'day ~ Oy! Is that truly blooming for you already?! It is gorgeous! We are having lovely snow showers today, but still buried under that 54" from the 2 blizzards, so I am enjoying every single flake while we can ...
Have a beautiful day ~
TTFN ~Marydon
I like the mushroom too! Happy Outdoor Wednesday
Wow, my crocus are blooming and I have two daffodils but my rhodies arent doing anything yet.
The outdoor light is fabulous and would look great at my house ~ oh wait, you wouldn't be able to see it 'cause it would be burried in SNOW! LOL ~ Judi
It's way toooo cold here for flowers yet so I am enjoying looking at yours. Just lovely.
tin and sparkle
Beautiful spring pictures! I can't wait to see things like that around here. We still have LOTS of snow.
Love the garden architecture. Love the flower.
Tin and sparkle
Oh how I Love seeing the Signs of Spring.... it can't come soon enough for Me~
everything is looking soooo pretty, yea spring!!!! I just added a link where it shows you how to add the pages
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