I showed you this little guy yesterday...
And made sure you knew he was not going
to sleep on that pink bed.
So today I thought I would show you
my Second Time Around Bed.

This bed is 40 years old, and has been taken such good care of.
The linens were hand made by the girl who had it.
And that little baby blanket hand crocheted.
And look at the decals on it!
So precious.

Don't you just love this little lamby??

Three or More Strings of Lights,
and thinking outside the box again.

I bought these strings of lights last year to put on the store,
but of course never got it done.
They were in a bag to go to the donation center for awhile.
I finally just decided to throw them away.......
(What was i thinking??)
I put them in the garbage can.
Garbage day the next day.
I took them out of the garbage,
( they were just sitting there on the top of the bag in the can) =)
took the string of lights out of them,
and now going to use them for tea light candles!!!
Whew! And I almost threw them away!
Hope you all have a blessed day.
And remember, to think out side the box!!
barbara jean
I'm joining these parties today.