Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Sew Much White, and some green and red for you

A new collage.
(Can you see the influence that Dawn, at
The Feathered Nest,
has had on me, with a little pocket for my nest?)
This was sooo fun.

And a tiny nest for a friend.

I know I've been showing this lately,
but I just love it!!
Making more, and looking for more shoes to 'antique'.

Here is some white for you.

Little thread boxes.
If I already showed you these,
please forgive me and zip right past them. =)

Another White Thread Box

Sewing display.
Picked up tha black metal 'thingy'
for 50 cents.
Didn't know what i would do with it,
but this works for me.

White hankies with trim.

Yard Art at my friends house.

New planter boxes.

And talk about red!!!
This is anew display piece.
It is bigger than i thought it would be.
Not sure I have room for it. =(

I'm joining these folks today.
Please go check them out!!


Lady Pamela said...

I am loving the collage, especially the pocket. I wonder if I can make a paper one for my mixed media? You've given me some more creative food for thought.

Linda @ A La Carte said...

Oh such wonderful stuff. Love that red display unit!! I like how you have displayed your hankies!

Stephanie ~ Angelic Accents said...

Beautiful post. I sooo love the little white thread boxes and the sweet baby shoes that you create!

Big TX Hugs,
Angelic Accents

Anne Fannie said...

I love the vintage shoe!

www.MaisonStGermain.com said...

Your collage is gorgeous! And those little shoes - how cute!!!! You are so artistic, my friend.
Blog: Capers of the vintage vixens

Vicki Boster said...

Your nest collage is fabulous dear Barbara - Dawn would be proud! You both have such wonderful taste!


Cindy Adkins said...

Oh, so beautiful!!! And I LOVE the pocket!!
SO vintage and precious!
Cindy Adkins

nannykim/spindlecottage said...

Those shoes are darling!! ANd what a cool red display thingy!!

Unknown said...

Your new collage is so sweet! Love it!
And the thread boxes are fantastic. Haven't seen any thing like those in years.
Thanks so much for sharing!

Tanya said...

Beautiful...I am drawn to antique sewing "stuff". LOVE the birds nest collage...I have actually posted birds on my last two posts.


Nancy's Notes said...

Oh that next collage is just darling and oh so charming!


Sherrie said...

I love all your stuff, but especially the red display piece. My pyrex would look great on it. Thanks for sharing.

The Feathered Nest said...

Hi Barbara!! I just LOVE your collage sweetie! The pocket is gorgeous and you know I always love your nests!!! You always find the best stuff Barb...you are a junkin' guru girl! I hope you are doing wonderful dear friend, hugs and love, Dawn

Sweet Bee Cottage said...

Love the red shelfy thing! I hope you DO have room for it. It's so fun!

craftyles said...

Your red display piece is awesome! I also like how you have your hankies displayed-gives me an idea. I love the vintage sewing stuff.

V I N T A G E O L O G I E said...

Love all of your pretties today ... but that baby shoe stole my heart, adorable!

happy WW!


Unknown said...

What pretty finds. Love the sewing theme things tho and the red unot of course.

Sissie's Shabby Cottage said...

Lovely collage and I know that Dawn is proud of you. The baby shoe is the cutest thing ever!

Lovely post with lots of pretties and treasures.


SueLovesCherries said...

Barb, this is great! Those baby shoes are so cute - keep 'em coming! I'm glad you showed the rack with the hankies - it gives me a few ideas for what to do with mine.

clustres said...

I'd say Dawn is a very good influence! Love the shoes and pocket!

Ann said...

Wow! I love your little baby shoe, how cute. That awesome red display shelf is going to look super when filled with treasures.:)
Thank you for sharing.
The Tattered Tassel

Felix y Raquel said...

Hola!!!! (Hello)
Haces unas cosas tan maravillosas que me quedo extasiada con ver tus trabajos hermosos.
Ya sabes que te sigo desde España, y que adoro lo que haces.
Muchos besos para ti y tu maravillosa familia!!

threeundertwo said...

I love it all! You made good use of the black "thingy." Thanks for linking up to Finished for Friday!

Kristi Flanagan said...

Love this one too! Thanks for planting your creative seeds at Plant a Punkin Seed Party!

Punkin Seed Productions