
You all know how I love to show off the work of those who have tried my tutorials.
Well, just check these out!
This was a brand new pair of baby shoes, (well, sort of. They had never been worn but had been in the package 13 years!!) Sounds like something i would do. =)
Mercedes, of LibertyBiberty made these from my
tutorial and her own ideas. Not only did she 'age' the shoes, but she lined them to match the eggs in the nest! Aren't they incredible? Great job Mercedes!!
AND YOU WILL NOT BELIEVE WHAT ELSE. If you scroll down when you get over to her place, you will see the tiny little miniature shoes she made, and put nests in!
It is really incredible.

Be sure to check out her many wonderful posts. She has a whole house of tiny miniatures.
(Is that redundant?) You will be amazed at the tiny things she has made.
And speaking of shoe nests,
Here is the little shoe nest that Sylvia has make for her place
. Click lotjes home.
And she has a great blog with miniatures,
lotjes dollshouse.
See the aged shoes in the middle, next to the bottom?
Since I cleaned and organized for a surprise at my brick and mortar store, I did not get much done this weekend.
So Sylvia and Mercedes made the world cuter for me. Thanks Gals. =)
Now for my junkin', thrifty, blue finds.There was a big garage sale at the fairgrounds this weekend.
I drug my poor fella with me, (someone to carry my loot out to the car you know).
I did get several really sweet things.
Like this blue tea cup. I like that it is so different than most i have seen.

And look at the inside. Is that just too sweet? It will go perfectly with my surprise. =)

And I got this little blue suitcase. Not impressive I know... but...

Look at the inside!!!! Now, I do not really want to paint the outside of it, but it is just not too well done.
What do you think? Click on the pics to enlarge, and help me out here. =0)

A couple more finds: This huge bottle from Italy, 50 cents!

Another shelf, (oh do i need to get a spray gun!)
And two little creamers, a large bag of old spools, and 2 stacking boxes.
A great day for one of my first sales this Spring.

I'm joining in with all these wonderful blogs today.
Please go look around, and tell our hostess thanks for their great jobs.
Blessings and Happy Monday!
barbara jean
PS A little help please: I usually do my posts with everything centered. I was told that it is easier to read them the way I have it today.Any opinions??