Fun Vintage TreasuresOK. Hope this isn't to risque for all of you,but, it's another sweet coupon from my husband.
This, along with some other 'coupons' and treasures are stored in an old jewelry box, (under my bed!) =0)
This one was probably written over 25 years ago.
Colorado Lady (click
here to check more out)
Thanks for hosting this great event!!
That's my first contribution to Vintage Thingie Thursday!! And here are some more of mine.
This is an engraved silver spoon from my first son's birth.
And this, this is hand made necklace our other son made for me when he was in grade school. He is 39 now. Guess that makes this vintage too. I'm still trying to figure out
just what is on it. A football and ?
This beautiful piece is by Scott's aunt, who used to travel world wide giving China painting lessons to the teachers! Now she is in Heaven, probably still teaching painting.
And this special treasure. Well, of course, a story.Scott and I had known each other for 2 weeks, and drove down to Tijuana, and got married! (we were living in Southern California
At that time, we just stayed in the little town next to the border, and walked across.
(no long lines, no guards to speak of)
At the border they inquire why you are coming in. When we told them we wanted to get married, they escorted us to a a little cement building with a small room, no adornment or anything, and a guy came in to marry us.
He read off some things in Spanish, and at the end said, "and try to make it last as long as you can". We said 'we will' and that was that.
As a souvenir of our trip, we bought two lighters and had then engraved with the date.
(since at that time we both smoked, seemed like a very practical remembrance) =0)
Fortunately we gave up the smoking a few months into our marriage.
So, those are my vintage treasures for today.
A box of memories, from under our bed.
Thanks for letting me share.
Blessings on your day.
Barbara Jean