Wednesday, June 10, 2009

It's Vintage Thingie Thursday
Thrift Store Thursday.
I've combined them in one post.

Sit back and enjoy, then go over to

for more scrumptious treasures!!

This is a wonderful tall urn, with a deep red base.
Great find for $3.00.

Oh, these are not vintage, (obviously)
but a great deal at a craft sale.
$1.00 each!!!
Brand new, never out of the package.
(my best deal this week I think.) =0)

Oh, and this guy is old, old! but in pretty good shape.

And, what is this you say??
They are the bases of old ceiling lights.
I just love having things like this to re purpose,
and people practically give them away!
Hmmm, maybe good bird nest bases


And here is a pile of vintage.
(if i already showed this pic, sorry.
Can't keep them straight any move.)
Anyway, theses are my best vintage treasures this week.
A lot of vintage doilies, a tea pot, two old pictures, and,
yes, even the cherub is old.

And this is fun. I love tinware.
This is an old child's lunch pail.

Happy Thursday to all.

Barbara Jean

PS Some of these things will soon be listed on my new gift shop blog.
Check it out!!


Holly said...

I really like the urn...very pretty. Love the chenille bunny and the lunch pail too!

Shaam said...

Oh my gosh you are the best thrifter ever. I am going to create a greatest thrifter award LOL it's going to you! lol.

All the best,

fitty's pinky rose cottage said...

wow.. look at the vintagey items you shared in here.. love the old doll and also the vintage ceiling lights, doilies, teapot.. thanks for sharing and happy VTT

Chari at Happy To Design said...

Hi Barb...

Ohh have found some wonderful treasures, my friend! I love that big would be perfect at my house...just the right colors! Hehe! Girl, those old light fixtures would be perfect stands for some of your pretty nests...I love that idea!!! Do you know...I still haven't made any nests...everytime I come over to your place for a visit...I'm reminded! This summer is already off to a busy start for me...eeekks!!! Really I guess the long, cold Colorado winters are the best time for me to get involved with projects. Right now it seems that I have to fight for any spare time! Oh I am going on and on...

I just love that little chenille bunny too! Ohhh and all of your pretty doilies!!! You have so many beautiful things!!! Thank you for sharing them with us!!!

Have a terrific Thursday, my friend!

Unknown said...

I love tin, also. Great lunch pail!

Marie Reed said...

I LOVE the lunch pail! I've never seen anything quite like that!

Virginia said...

Love the pail!

ClassyChassy said...

Nice! That bunny is cute - and the light fixtures could be used for something neat, I bet! I stopped by and checked out the graphics from your link - very neat. I had to bookmark it - too many to choose from! Blessings to you today!

Donna said...

Great thingy's!

Postcardy said...

I wonder what they carried in that type of lunch pail.

The Feathered Nest said...

Wonderful finds Barb!!! Don't you love finding something so ordinary and then transforming it for a new life??? You're very welcome for the bird print, I just scan it in on my scanner and save it to give away on my blog!! Hope you're having a great day sweetie ~ xxoo, Dawn

Bea said...

Great finds. Love the chenille bunny.

Brenda Pruitt said...

A "pile of vintage." Yep, that's what I like to come home with. The bunny looks much loved and hugged.

plain*worker*primitives said...

Barbara Jean,
Awesome finds.... I LOVE thrifting it rocks. :)


Unknown said...

you are a clever little magpie!!

Roslyn said...

The rabbit gets my vote, he's so shabby chic!

Coloradolady said...

Great finds...I like the sweet little lunch pail....I know you will turn these lights into something really neat.

Have a great VTT!

Protector of Vintage said...

Lovely items! I especially enjoyed the little tin lunch pail. Have a nice day~

seanymph said...

I just want to say Thank You! once again. My lil birds nest arrived today and its adorable! So cute. For now its sitting on my side table by an arrangement. And sadly in a few weeks it will have to be packed up for a move. But until then, Im going to enjoy it and then hopefully find the perfect spot for it in my new house when I get there. :) Hugs.

CC said...

I love all your wonderful finds..but my favorites are the crocheted doilies. I love vintage crochet..Happy VTT, hope you have a wonderful weekend.

Lisa said...

Really great stuff!! I got my prize today! It is just great!! It's hanging on my bedroom door! Love the little card and your sweet note!

Miri said...

Lovely linens! Wonderful collection of doilies and is that a nightie on the right? Fabulous finds!

Love the tin lunchbox too!

Anonymous said...

what lovely treasures..especially the old bunny :)