Wednesday, January 26, 2011


Has anyone else lost any comments people have left?
I suddenly have several posts that the comments are all gone!
Zero comments, when there had been lots!!

Please, someone tell me this is a temporary thing,
like when you lose who you follow for a bit.



barbara jean


Sonya Badgley said...

Hi Barb,
Yes, this has happened to me before too and then all of a sudden it shows up... yours probably will too. Also on my follower too!

Linecas have said...

I have not experience it.But I know other norwegian bloggers have.I dont know how the soluting or how it ended. I belive it is a temprary thing.
Nice that camera. :)
Have a wonderful day when you wake up. I am on my second coffe cup here now. :))

Rebecca Nelson said...

Oh my gosh...I don't know if I have or not, but I will certainly go and check!

You are a sweet dear my friend. Thank you for visiting and sharing the joy in your heart with me!


gail@My Repurposed Life said...

hi, have you tried looking in blogger (edit posts)
perhaps you clicked the (hide comments) for those posts.
how about going to edit posts, where you see all the posts on one page, it shows the number of comments for each post. Are there any numbers showing up there?
you can email me for more help.
good luck!